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Populuxe - Joel Poole

Populuxe - Joel Poole

“Populuxe” is a combination of the words “popular” and “luxury” which perfectly describes the ultra-trendy, refurbished vintage pieces created by owner Joel Poole.

It all began with Joel hunting down the perfect sideboard for his and Mrs P’s own home, only to find them to be completely unattainable, resulting in the lucky find of an E Gomme G Plan Tola sideboard being given away that needed some serious attention.

After a lot of sanding, a lick of paint, new legs and new handles a passion was sparked and an idea was born.

Several years later Populuxe has gone from hallway to garage to a 2000sq ft studio in South Cheshire that they call home today.

With the aim to create “high end, not high street” furniture, Joel sources predominantly mid-century furniture to be restored and painted to give new life, purpose and of course, the “Populuxe” touch!

Taking influence from pop culture, fashion, design and the traditional art of sign writing, Joel mixes different eras, genres, styles and colours, with each piece finished to the highest of standards to ultimately create a contemporary, stylish one-off piece of furniture that makes a statement in any room!

Read more in our Blog Post here

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